2023 03 02 - Latest fic listing update
2022 10 20 - More writers have been added to the fic listing2022 10 19 - Enriching the fanart and fanfic galleries2022 10 14 - Progress on the design2022 10 13 - Fansite creation

AboutHiwapapa Fan is a fansite dedicated to the DNAngel bespectacled hot dad.
Brought to you by Lysandre!
Spoiler alert! Be caught up with the manga!

Police Commissioner

Commissioner Hiwatari, also known as "Kei" in the fandom, is the father of Satoshi.Despite being only 26, he manages to climb the Azumano Police Department's hierarchy, earning respect from officials alongside responsibilities.However, he hides a darker side: under the talented worker and dedicated father facade, he hides a sinister and manipulative personality. Satoshi, who sees him for who he is, doesn't appreciate him back, and their already distant relationship grows more conflictual with passing months. If they originally teamed to complete the Black Wings and break Satoshi's curse, the teen eventually stops playing by his ruthless rules and seeks his own path.Unbeknown to everyone, Hiwatari's true identity is Elm Root, an ancient Hikari artwork cursed with both immortality and the inability to feel any reciprocated love. If his feelings ever get returned, he will be destroyed!
He loved Rio Hikari and is Satoshi's real father, a secret he keeps until the very end. When Krad tries to restore the Black Wings, sacrificing Satoshi's life, Elm Root opposes him and reveals his identity to the boy, willingly causing his own death.
In the anime, he is a human with love for power who won't pass opportunities, even if it means destroying Satoshi.

◦ ✧ .° Fanart °. ☾ ◦

◦ ✧ .° Edit °. ☾ ◦

Before the bill by LysandreSatoshi's birthday means he can be bothered at will. Cute crack!
Ghost of You by NiwatariReiNSFW. Hiwapapa is desperately in love with a ghost.
In a Dim Corner, at Night by LysandreSatoshi hides like a wounded beast and papa comes to his rescue.
Balance by LysandreKrad and Hiwatari make evil plans while absolutely not trusting each other. Oh no, my weakness!
The Path within the Mountain by LysandreKei runs after Saehara to stop him from ruining this night's intervention. Bonding over caring for Satoshi? Just kiss already.
Office by Lysandre, illustrated by FugitivehuesA town official investigates the cause of the Argentine events with the definitely innocent head of the Azumano Police Department.
Sports Day by LysandreToo many thoughts can cause insomnia, but how can he forget?
“Are you afraid of me?” by LysandreRio wakes up at night and finds a weirdo in the corridor.
“You know how I feel.” by LysandreRio has to discard her late mother's belongings, and Elm Root won't help. There's a lot secretly going on here!
The Time Spent Together by Lysandre, illustrated by FugitivehuesElm Root becomes a simple solution to Rio's nihilist thoughts!
Opening Night by Lysandre, illustrated by FugitivehuesWhat if, for once, the Hikari (as in, Rio) was in charge of her own career? Elm Root doesn't like that~
Impressions by Lysandre, illustrated by FugitivehuesA sweet piece about Elm Root and Rio cuddling and sharing a moment!
“You love me, don’t you?” by LysandreMild-NSFW. Rio asks a tricky question at a tricky moment!
Caduceus by Lysandre, illustrated by FugitivehuesRio exausts herself by working on the Black Wings, but Elm Root has a solution: a kiss! Definitely check the illustration out!
“I thought this was what you wanted.” by LysandreKei and Rio are putting their kid-related plans into place, which means the man has to stay low despite his feelings.
First Meetings by NiwatariReiPapa Hiwatari meeting baby Hiwatari. We stan.
“I love you, but that doesn't change anything.” by LysandreKei is flirting, much to Rio's indifference… or is it? Check the title after reading and sigh~
Mirage by LysandreKei wants to stay, much to Rio's indifference. But this time, it's real.
Three Months & Three Days by LysandreRio's death was expected but Kei fails at keeping his feelings in check. Always good~
Ghost by LysandreKei visits Rio's grave and wonders if she really can die.
Triptych of Mint and Scales by LysandreMementos tie Rio, Satoshi and Kei in three connected short stories.
Wills and Trusts by FugitiveSatoshi reflects on the events of the end of the series! Be prepared for a bite of delicious pain!
You Are My Sunshine by NiwatariReiTiny post-ending reflections from Satoshi.
◦ ✧ .° Ancestors Era °. ☾ ◦ 
Dark by Lysandre, illustrated by FugitivehuesA reflection about the life as a Hikari apprentice!
Refuse by LysandreThe first moments of the apprentice back to life as Elm Root!
“Kei spares someone's life” by LysandreAn Elm Root and Manismare story taking place soon after the Black Wings accident!
Traces of the Past by LysandreThe Cultural Revolution has begun: Elm Root and Krad aren't vibing.
Streetlamp by LysandreKei being intimidating in mild-noir settings!
“Thank you. You did well.” by LysandreKei reflects on how little humans remember from their past, and how ungrateful they are in consequence…
“You make that look easy.” by LysandreElm Root tries to approach a young and quite uninterested Fukami at work.
◦ ✧ .° With Niwa Kosuke °. ☾ ◦ 
Dodge a bullet by Lysandre, illustrated by FugitivehuesKosuke, who's trying to sneak next to a museum during a heist, attracts the attention of someone we know…
An interrogation by LysandreBasically the title. What a first meeting!
Winter by LysandreKei and Kosuke's first meeting in a museum. It lives in our hearts!
Like the Sun in the Sky by NiwatariReiFluff. Presents. Smiles. Hear me out, they're friends. Sobs.
The Wooden Ceiling by LysandreKosuke looks for Hiwapapa in a mysterious house.
A Glimpse by Lysandre, illustrated by Fugitivehues by LysandreKei is a guest at the Niwa house and Kosuke's sharing a family tradition. Cute! Also Kei bonding with Takeshi, anyone?
“Where will you be on February 14th?” by LysandreA playful discussion in a café… much to Kosuke's dismay.
Friendship by Lysandre, illustrated by FugitivehuesI think about the two dads chatting on a balcony way too much for my own good!
“Someone catches Kei in a vulnerable moment” by LysandreA wounded Kei and an angry Kosuke…
“I’ll drive you to the hospital.” by LysandreKei had an accident and Kosuke has to carry him back to safety. What happens next is up to you! (?)
“Kei takes revenge on someone for hurting the other” by LysandreKei fights an artwork to rescue Kosuke.
“Someone is trying to help but Kei refuses” by LysandreKosuke messages Satoshi behind Kei's back, jealousy ensues!
Sleepiness by Lysandre, illustrated by FugitivehuesEmiko catches Kei sleeping on Kosuke's shoulder. For shame…! (?)
Hammer Song and the Tower of Pain by NiwatariReiKosuke accepts him for who he truly is.
“I was just thinking about you.” by LysandreExhausted by work, Kei "accidentally" encounters Kosuke in a park. A cute moment of silent bonding!
“Maybe you should give up.” by LysandreKosuke is getting too absorbed in his researches for Kei's tastes.
A kiss by Lysandre, inspired by Fugitivehues' fanartRomantic. The title says it all~
“Stay over.” by LysandreMild-NSFW. Kei enjoys Kosuke('s presence) too much to let him go.
Pinned against a wall… by LysandreMild-NSFM. A tease and the man tired of his provocations.
Tremble by LysandreWhat if they were dating? And touched? Stay still my beating heart.
“I should’ve asked you to do this before.” by LysandreKei finds out that Kosuke's son is, in fact, talented! Surprise, surprise!
“Go back to sleep.” by LysandreKei has nightmares and Kosuke has to manage him.
The Dark Side of Your Hand by LysandreIn an AU where Kei and Kosuke have been dating, Kosuke realises Kei has been lying to him. A fic taking place after the final chapter!
Weariness by Lysandre, illustrated by FugitivehuesIn an AU, the two men have been kidnapped and try to survive… in their own ways. A creepy Kei is always a win!
Respect for the Aged by LysandreOn a journey to Kyoto after the Black Wings events, they find evidence that Hikari artworks might be alive.
Dark roses in my hand by Lysandre, illustrated by FugitivehuesIn an AU, Kosuke is a travelling herbalist who sells his wares to a dedicated yet sinister doctor.
◦ ✧ .° Miscellaneous °. ☾ ◦ 
A Sense of Fulfilment by LysandreIn an AU where Hiwapapa is human, he self-reflects on the man he became, his personality and objectives.
A tie story by LysandreIn an AU where Hiwapapa is human, he is so nervous about a promotion it brings Saehara's dad instincts out.
Cold Fingers by LysandreA Krad and Hiwapapa moment. A kiss, when? Please.
Human Blood, Artwork Magic by LysandreHungry vampire Krad and self-sacrificing Hiwapapa. Bon appétit~
Façade by NiwatariReiA wounded Hiwapapa hides his pain from Satoshi. Short, efficient!
Ichi-go, ichi-e by FugitiveDaiki plays go with a mysterious stranger we all know!
Evil in the Night by NiwatariReiSatoshi finds his father in a maid dress. Crack, if you wondered~
How Not to Summon a Demon by NiwatariReiA small crack story where Satoshi summons a demon, and… Guess what happens~
The First Smile of Spring by Lysandre, illustrated by FugitivehuesAfter the events of the ending, Kei has survived and sees a loving family that furthers his pain. Angsty but hopeful!
Beginner's Guide to Passing On by FugitiveInspector Saehara is cursed with the ghost of his former boss. Imagine being followed by Hiwapapa. Now you get it~
◦ ✧ .° Anime Elements °. ☾ ◦ 
There is no friend like a sister by Lysandre, illustrated by FugitivehuesMio and Kei share a deeper bond than we thought.
Meadow by Lysandre, illustrated by FugitivehuesKosuke’s Rutile of Grief resonates with the original, that Kei owns!
Cursed Weapon by Lysandre, illustrated by FugitivehuesKei fixates on a mysterious axe artwork for no apparent reason.
◦ ✧ .° With Mrs Saehara °. ☾ ◦ 
Silent Rejection on a Winter Evening by LysandreHe invited her to a romantic evening, she didn't come. ;( (He deserves it.)
Wrapped Gift by Lysandre, illustrated by FugitivehuesTwo parents talking about presents for their sons!
A confession without words by LysandreMrs Saehara confronts an unimpressed Kei about their differences. Subtle romance ensues!
Summertime by LysandreA man. The woman he loves in a bathsuit. What else?
Autumn by LysandreHiwapapa starts feeling his upcoming death on a date with her. Melancholy warning~